
发布者:ylys     发布日期:2022-10-09     阅读次数:








2019/11-2020/11 德国Martin Luther University, 访问学者

2010.09-2013.07  中国林业科学研究院   生态学专业  博士

2007.09-2010.07  北华大学   森林培育专业  硕士

2003.09-2007.07  北华大学   环境科学专业  学士




  中国林学会会员,担Frontiers in forests and global changes客座编辑,Science of the Total EnvironmentFrontiers in plant science,Oikos, Ecological indicatorsForest ecology and management, plant and soil,journal of plant ecology, 生物多样性、应用生态学报、生态学杂志等国内外主流期刊的审稿人。






国家自然科学基金项目“基于同质园实验的亚热带主要林分碳汇维持机制”(32360382, 2024/01-2027/12, 32万元, 在研,主持人

江西省林业科技创新项目“基于同质园实验的亚热带江西高效固碳乡土树种筛选与配置技术”(创新专项2022 2)2022/01-2024/1220万元,在研,主持人


国家自然科学基金项目“亚热带森林树种多样性与生产力关系的内在机制研究”(31760134, 2018/01-2021/12, 38万元,在研,主持人



中国博士后科学基金项目 “基于功能性状探讨生物多样性与植物生长的关系” (2014M561089),2014/09-2015/08, 5万元,已结题,主持人



Bin Liu†, Cancan Zhang†, Jun Deng, Bowen Zhang, FushengChen, Wei Chen, Xiangmin Fang, Jianjun Li, Kuiling Zu, Wensheng Bu*. Response of tree growth to nutrient addition is size dependent in a subtropical forest, Science of the Total Environment, 923 (2024) 171501. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171501


Cancan Zhang#, Yuxin Li#, Xin Li, Fu-Sheng Chen, Zhifang Jin, Yaoqi Li, Yaohua Ma, Shiqi Zeng, Shiyun Yang, Wensheng Bu*.Tight relationships between leaf and topsoil stoichiometries after 42 years of forest conversion from old-growth forests to Chinese fir plantations. Frontiers in forests and global changes, 2023, 6:1268262. http://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2023.1268262

Ye, X., Bu, Wensheng, Hu, X., Wang, F., Sun, R., He, P., ... & Chen, F. (2023). Are small trees more responsive to nutrient addition than large trees in an evergreen broadleaved forest?. Forest Ecology and Management, 543, 121129.

Beugnon, R., Bu, Wensheng, Bruelheide, H., Davrinche, A., Du, J., Haider, S., ... & Eisenhauer, N. Abiotic and biotic drivers of tree trait effects on soil microbial biomass and soil carbon concentration. Ecological Monographs, 2022: e1563.

Liu B, Bu W, Zang R. Improved allometric models to estimate the aboveground biomass of younger secondary tropical forests[J]. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2022: e02359.

Zhang, L., Liu, X., Sun, Z., Bu, Wensheng, Bongers, F. J., Song, X., ... & Swenson, N. G. (2022). Functional trait space and redundancy of plant communities decrease toward cold temperature at high altitudes in Southwest China. Science China Life Sciences, 1-9.

Ye, X., Bu, Wensheng, Hu, X., Liu, B., Liang, K., & Chen, F. (2022). Species divergence in seedling leaf traits and tree growth response to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in an evergreen broadleaved forest of subtropical China. Journal of Forestry Research, 1-14.

Gu, H.-J. #; Zhang, C.-C#.; Chen, F.-S.; Huang, J.-H.;Wang, J.-S.; Bruelheide, H.; Trogisch, S.; Fang, X.-M.; Li, J.-J.; Bu, Wensheng*. The bamboo rhizome evolution in China is driven by geographical isolation and trait differentiation. Forests 2021, 12,1280.

Wen-Sheng Bu, Fang-Chao Wang, Can-Can Zhang, Helge Bruelheide, Xiang-Min Fang, Hui-Min Wang, Fu-Sheng Chen*. The contrasting effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizations on the growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata depend on the season in subtropical China. Forest Ecology and Management, 482 (2021) 118874

Wang, Jinsong; Defrenne, Camille; McCormack, M. Luke; Yang, Lu; Tian, Dashuan; Luo, Yiqi; Hou, Enqing; Yan, Tao; Li, Zhaolei; Bu, Wensheng; Chen, Ye; Niu, Shuli. Fine-root functional trait responses to experimental warming: A global meta-analysis. New Phytologist, 2021, 230(5): 1856-1867

Stefan Trogisch, Xiaojuan Liu, Gemma Rutten, Kai Xue, Jürgen Bauhus, Ulrich Brose,Wensheng Bu, Simone Cesarz, Douglas Chesters, John Connolly, Xiaoyong Cui, Nico Eisenhauer, Liangdong Guo, Sylvia Haider, Werner Härdtle, Matthias Kunz, Lingli Liu, Zeqing Ma,Steffen Neumann, Weiguo Sang, Andreas Schuldt, Zhiyao Tang, Nicole M. van Dam,Goddert von Oheimb, Ming-Qiang Wang, Shaopeng Wang, Alexander Weinhold, Christian Wirth,Tesfaye Wubet, Xingliang Xu, Bo Yang, Naili Zhang, Chao-Dong Zhu, Keping Ma, Yanfen Wang,Helge Bruelheide. The significance of tree-tree interactions for forest ecosystem. Basic and Applied Ecology. 2021, http://doi.org/10.1016/j.baae.2021.02.003

Wensheng Bu, Han-Jiao Gu, Can-can Zhang, Yang Zhang, Anand Narain Singh, Xiang-Min Fang, Jing Fan, Hui-Min Wang, Fu-Sheng Chen*. Mixed broadleaved tree species increases soil phosphorus availability but decreases the coniferous tree nutrient concentration in subtropical China. Forests. 2020,11:461.

Wensheng Bu, Cancan Zhang, Jihong Huang, Runguo Zang*, Yi Ding, Han Xu, Mingxian Lin and Jinsong Wang. The influences of disturbance histories and soil properties on aboveground biomass through plant functional traits in a tropical rainforest. Forests. 2019,10:774.

Wen-Sheng Bu, Fu-Sheng Chen*, Fang-Chao Wang, Xiang-Min Fang, Rong Mao, Huimin Wang. The species-specific responses of nutrient resorption and carbohydrate accumulation in leaves and roots to nitrogen addition in a subtropical mixed plantation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2019,49(7): 826-835.

Wensheng Bu, Jihong Huang, Han Xu, Runguo Zang*, Yi Ding, Yide Li, Mingxian Lin, Jinsong Wang and Cancan Zhang. Plant functional traits are the mediators in regulating effects of abiotic site conditions on aboveground carbon stock-evidence from a 30-ha tropical forest plot. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2019, 9:1958.

Wensheng Bu, Bernhard Schmid, Xiaojuan Liu, Ying Li, Werner Härdtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Yu Liang, Zhenkai Sun, Yuanyuan Huang, Helge Bruelheide, Keping Ma*. Interspecific and intraspecific variation in specific root length drives aboveground biodiversity effects in young experimental forest stands. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2017, 10:158-169

Wensheng Bu, Runguo Zang*, Yi Ding. Field observed relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning during secondary succession in a tropical lowland rainforest. Acta Oecologica. 2014, 55:1-7

Wensheng Bu, Runguo Zang*, Yi Ding. Functional diversity increases with the recovery of species diversity during secondary succession in a tropical lowland rainforest after shifting cultivation. Tropical Ecology. 2014, 55(3):393-401

Xiangmin Fang, Xiulan Zhang, Fusheng Chen*, Yingying Zong, Wensheng Bu,Songze Wan, Yiqi Luo, Huimin Wang. Phosphorus addition alters the response of soil organic carbon decomposition to nitrogen deposition in a subtropical forest.  Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019, 133: 119-128.

Wang Fangchao, Chen Fusheng, Wang G. Geoff, Mao Rong, Fang Xiangmin, Wang Huimin, & Bu Wensheng. Effects of experimental nitrogen addition on nutrients and nonstructural carbohydrates of dominant understory plants in a Chinese fir plantation. Forests, 2019, 10(2), 155.

Li, Y., Bruelheide, H., Thomas, S., Schmid, B., Sun, Z., Zhang, N.,Bu, W., Liu X. & Ma, K. (2019). Early positive effects of tree species richness on soil organic carbon accumulation in a large-scale forest biodiversity experiment. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2019,12(5) 882–893

Zhen-Kai Sun, Xiao-Juan Liu, Bernhard Schmid, Helge Bruelheide, Wensheng Bu, Ke-Ping Ma*. Positive effects of tree species richness on fine-root production in a subtropical forest in SE-China. Journal of Plant Ecology. 10:146-157, 2017

Jinsong Wang, Wensheng Bu, Bo Zhao, Xiuhai Zhao *, Chunyu Zhang, Juan Fan,  Gadow Klaus. Effects of nitrogen addition on leaf decomposition of single-species and litter mixture in pinus tabulaeformis forests. Forests .6: 4462–4476, 2015

Jinsong Wang, L.Wu, Chunyu Zhang, Xiuhai Zhao *, Wensheng Bu, Gadow Klaus. Combined effects of nitrogen addition and organic matter manipulation on soil respiration in a Chinese pine forest [J]. Environmental Science & Pollution Research International, 23(22):22701, 2016.

Xiang-Min Fang, Xiu-Lan Zhang, Ying-Ying Zong,Yang Zhang, Song-Ze Wan, Wen-sheng Bu, Fu-Sheng Chen. Soil phosphorus functional fractions and tree tissue nutrient concentrations influenced by stand density in subtropical Chinese fir plantation forests [J]. Plos One, 12(10):e0186905, 2016.

卜文圣,臧润国*,丁易,张俊艳,阮云泽海南岛热带低地雨林群落水平植物功能性状与环境因子相关性随演替阶段的变化生物多样性. 2013, 21 (3): 278–287

卜文圣,许涵,臧润国*,丁易,张俊艳,林明献不同采伐干扰方式和环境因子对热带山地雨林谱系结构的影响.林业科学. 2014, 50 (1):15–21.

卜文圣,马克平*.  基于功能性状探讨生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系中国生物多样性保护与研究进展X. 2014.180–187

李张敏陈伏生方向民万松泽李晓东王辉民卜文圣*. 残落物去除对杉木林4种林下植物养分含量和化学计量比的影响生态学杂志, 37(7)2092-20992018

樊星火,葛红艳,张参参,邓文平,陈伏生,卜文圣*. 江西省生态公益林典型林分土壤肥力状况研究[J]. 北京林业大学学报,2018,40(11):84-92.

张参参,吴小刚,刘斌,施雪文,陈伏生,裘利洪,卜文圣*,江西九连山不同海拔梯度土壤有机碳的变异规律[J]. 北京林业大学学报, 201941(2): 19-28

顾菡娇,张参参,汪金松,施雪文,夏瑞雪,刘斌,陈伏生,卜文圣*.中国竹类植物的基本形态学功能性状的比较分析 [J]. 生物多样性,2019, 27 (6): 585–594

刘斌,张参参,汪金松,李张敏,欧阳园丽,陈维,陈伏生,卜文圣*. 江西九连山不同恢复模式林分的物种多样性动态,林业科学研究,2020, 33(4)42-52

程怡晴,胡建文,伍依哲,李鑫,徐朕贤,刘斌,孙金花,卜文圣*. 亚热带蜜源植物形态学指标预测泌蜜量初探,南方林业科学,2020, 48(3)38-44

刘斌陈维陈伏生唐润玉,王小东,程怡晴,卜文圣*.九连山次生阔叶林幼苗生长对氮磷添加的响应应用生态学报,2020, 31(8):2533-2540

欧阳园丽,吴小刚,林小凡,陈伏生,熊启慧,卜文圣*. 九连山自然保护区土壤有机碳时空变异的耦合效应森林与环境学报,202040(6): 1-8

欧阳园丽,张参参,林小凡,田立新,顾菡娇,陈伏生,卜文圣*. 中国亚热带不同菌根树种的根叶形态学性状特征与生长差异:以江西新岗山为例[J]. 生物多样性, 2021, 29(6):13.


郑琪, 王小东, 卜文圣, 刘斌, 袁平成, & 幸娇萍等. 模拟氮沉降与外源养分和碳源耦合对杉木林土壤碳氮转化的后期影响生态学杂志, 2021,40(7), 9.

张春阳, 童洁, 王吉, 陈伏生, 方向民, 卜文圣, 郭利平,林小凡,李建军. 不同底座嵌入方式和入土深度对典型草原土壤呼吸的影响江西农业大学学报. 2022,44(03),647-661

卜文圣, 马耀华, 刘虹冰, 张参参, 李雨欣, 曾施绮, & 杨世赟. 菌根类型和树种耐荫性对宿存枯枝碳储量的影响北京林业大学学报, 2022,44(10), 85-92.

马耀华,刘虹冰,李雨欣,李鑫,刘斌,杨世赟,曾施绮,卜文圣*不同恢复模式亚热带森林土壤贮水量和养分储量的差异[J]. 北京林业大学学报.2023,45(5):97-105


陈伏生、王小东、卜文圣、方向民、毛荣、吴高洋、刘斌、刘仁、叶学敏、吴安琪一种凋落物收集装置. ZL201920500588.5. 国家知识产权局. 2019

张扬、陈伏生、方向民、张林平、万松泽、郭春兰、卜文圣、吴小飞、李冬一种肠杆菌菌种及其在促进毛竹生长中的作用. ZL201810898081.X. 国家知识产权局. 2018


卜文圣,邓俊,陈伏生,张参参,徐国良,杨世赟 (). 九连山森林生态研究——森林动态样地. 南昌:江西科学技术出版社. 2023.12ISBN 978-7-5390-8897-6

邓俊,徐国良,卓小海,卜文圣(主编). 江西九连山森林水果和野生蔬菜. 南昌:江西科学技术出版社. 2023.12

郭春兰,金志芳,陈伏生,祖奎玲,卜文圣(副主编),王方超等. 九连山森林生态研究——植物植被专题. 南昌:江西科学技术出版社. 2023.12

陈伏生,石福习,方向民,王方超,王晟楠,胡小飞,卜文圣. 生态环境建设与管理. 北京:中国农业科学技术出版社. 2023.12

龙文兴,卜文圣(副主编),王旭,王计平,陈伟,姜勇,谭正洪等植物生态学[M]. 北京科学出版社(ISBN 978-7-03-049666-9, 2016.9

陈伏生(主编),卜文圣(主编),张文根,顾菡娇等开云博彩观赏竹资源培育与应用评价南昌:江西科学技术出版社(ISBN 978-7-5390-6674-5),2019.1

臧润国,路兴慧,丁易,刘万德,刘广福,许涵,龙文兴,黄运峰,卜文圣,张俊艳,姜勇海南岛热带天然林主要类型的生物多样性与群落组配北京:高等教育出版社(ISBN 978-7-04-051857-3),20190611

叶清,金志芳,陈伏生,卜文圣 (副主编九连山森林生态研究——水土气候专题南昌:江西科学技术出版社(ISBN 978-7-5390-7164-0),2019.12


[1] 龙文兴,卜文圣(副主编),王旭,王计平,陈伟,姜勇,谭正洪等植物生态学[M]. 北京科学出版社(ISBN 978-7-03-049666-9, 2016.9


卜文圣、陈伏生、金志芳、廖承开、曾菊平、王方超、黄超、叶清、张祖福、张参参、张露、黄家胜、徐国良、李雨欣.江西九连山森林长期生态定位观测研究, 江西林业科技三等奖,江西省林学会,2023.12.4




卜文圣. Interspecific and intraspecific variation in specific root length drives aboveground biodiversity effects in young experimental forest stands. 第七届梁希青年论文三等奖(2018-LW-3-92),中国林学会,2018.6.1



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